We offer Video Telehealth services.

Book an Appointment

Need Assistance? Call Us Now: Phone:623-254-7330 Cellphone: 423-619-5364 Fax: 888-959-0028

Free Confidential Help 24/7 Phone: 623-254-7330Cellphone: 423-619-5364Fax: 888-959-0028

To book your appointment, we need your insurance card and credit or debit card. Until services are provided, your card won’t be charged.

Usually, new patient visits last 1 hour.

We realize that unforeseen circumstances can arise. If you need to cancel your appointment less than 24 hours before your scheduled time, call the office at 423-619-5364.

There is a $75 no-show/late cancellation charge for appointments that are canceled or rescheduled less than 24 hours in advance, regardless of the reason.